You Will Die One Day.

2 min readMay 14, 2020

The most cheerful headline, ever

You will die one day. You’re a mortal being, and you’re not going to last forever. If you’re reading this, you exist, but there’s no telling as to when you’ll stop existing, and when you’ll be forgotten.

So how do you cope with this cheerful fact? You could just avoid it altogether, but it’ll come back to haunt you when you’re down. Or when you’re alone. It’ll always find a way to seep through the cracks, cracks that heal but are susceptible to only one force — fear.

Photo by Filip Mroz on Unsplash

Creation could hold the answer. Not the Bible rhetoric of Adam and Eve, but creative arts. Singing, acting, drawing, hell, even business and politics are a form of art.

When you create something — it could be Apple Inc. or one of Bach’s symphonies — you’re creating your mark on the world. It’s your signature because it’s your original idea that you’re bringing into this world. It’s your baby. And that idea, that creation, goes on to live on. You may die, but it’ll still be here. Of course, an earthquake could destroy a vinyl record, but it can’t destroy the effect the record had on the one person who heard it. That record could have impacted the creation of that person. Now, that person’s creation goes on to inspire another. And on and on.

This sounds like a fairytale where everything ends well, and that’s the point. If you’re put on a planet and given no clear indication for how long you’re going to be on it for, you might as well have a positive attitude about it. And you might as well create something while you’re here because you’ll never know when you’ll be gone.

Until next time,





A collection of my thoughts, ideas and deliberations.